Field Manager

Hanne Ahonen

Sijainti: Helsinki
Palvelu: Market Research

Hanne is responsible for the collection of consumer research data in Helsinki and Tampere with her field research team. Hanne plans how the field research stages of projects are carried out and sees to it that they succeed. High-quality data collection and thorough analysis of research samples are things Hanne takes to heart. As a friendly and cheerful person, Hanne also enjoys interacting with consumers. Two degrees in the food sector and a wide range of work experience in the food and grocery sectors serve as a solid base for performing data collection in keeping with clients’ and consumers’ expectations.

For Hanne, a jog in the forest followed by a warm sauna provides the best escape from day-to-day life. Hanne also enjoys cooking with new foods and recipes at home in her own kitchen.

There’s always a solution to be found. If you can’t find it, you keep looking.


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