Insight Manager

Emmi Penttilä

Sijainti: Tampere
Palvelu: Market Research

Emmi has varied experience in the many stages of research execution, which puts her in an excellent position for piloting research projects. Emmi’s strength is her skill in both qualitative and quantitative research, which she naturally combines to draw an insightful conclusion. Emmi’s charming personality rubs off on both her clients and colleagues. Collaboration is spontaneous, and takes others into consideration. In Emmi’s company, it’s never a boring day!

In her time off, Emmi practises yoga and pilates, and immerses herself in crime novels and documentaries. For Emmi, exotic travel destinations and adventures are the spice of life, and planning vacations is almost as enjoyable as travelling itself.

A smile costs nothing, and takes nothing away from anyone. The worst it can do is enrich both the giver and the receiver.


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