Service Assistant

Eeva Ala-Nikkola

Sijainti: Seinäjoki
Palvelu: Administration

Eeva’s work days are filled with many kinds of tasks such as various office, administrative assistant and human resource assignments. Eeva has work experience in many fields and work positions going back to her school years, so you could certainly say that there is diverse experience to be found behind this cheerful personality. Should you come across difficulties or lack of information in any issue, Eeva is sure to find the needed information or solutions.

Eeva spends her time off riding horses, occasionally fishing, enjoying nature and keeping busy with the kids. Crafts, reading and baking are also on Eeva’s list of pastimes. Cooking is also a favourite pastime when there is enough time to dedicate to it. Recipes are rather left unfollowed, however, as the taste buds speak their own language and the ideas keep coming as the food is prepared, though perhaps it’s made easier by the training and work experience in the food sector that she already has under her belt.

Challenges make life interesting, and getting through them makes life meaningful