
Sara Pohjavuori

Sijainti: Helsinki
Palvelu: Product Development, Product Information Services, Nutrition, Food Service

Sara has a wide range of experience from over 15 years as a nutritional expert at domestic and international food companies. Behind this lies a strong interest in helping consumers make more healthy and diverse food choices on a daily basis. Sara has extensive experience in communicating the nutritional value of food products, the requirements for these nutritional and health claims, nutritional education, working with various interest groups and collaborating with experts. She also has nutritional knowledge for the development of new products.

In her time off, Sara finds a counterbalance to working life by exercising, for example running, walking in nature and workout groups. Her two daughters’ gymnastics hobby also makes the spare time go by. In the summer, she likes to spend time with her family at the cottage.

There is no single food that makes a diet unhealthy or healthy, it’s the diet as a whole that decides